
CCS alerts

22.693s ago


Rule State Error Last Evaluation Evaluation Time
alert: credit_compliance_service_mismatch_count_gain expr: delta(ccs_mismatches[1h]) > 0 for: 1m labels: severity: warning team: analytics annotations: description: CCS batch runs have shown an increase in mismatch count environment: production host: creditservices2 summary: CCS batch runs have shown an increase in mismatch count ok 22.693s ago 254.4us

CDS alerts

930ms ago


Rule State Error Last Evaluation Evaluation Time
alert: credit_decision_service_high_traffic expr: (avg(cds_function_benchmark_seconds_count{name="process_flow"} - (cds_function_benchmark_seconds_count{name="process_flow"} offset 5m)) > 1000) for: 1m labels: severity: critical annotations: description: The 5m average request rate is significantly higher than usual environment: production host: creditservices summary: CDS traffic is abnormally high ok 930ms ago 308.6us
alert: credit_decision_service_response_500 expr: (cds_status_code_count{code="500"} > (cds_status_code_count{code="500"} offset 1s)) for: 1s labels: severity: warning team: analytics annotations: description: The gunicorn workers are returning HTTP 500 status codes. environment: production host: creditservices2 summary: CDS has some HTTP 500 error responses. ok 930ms ago 90.13us
alert: credit_decision_service_error_count_change expr: (cds_error_count_total - (cds_error_count_total offset 2m) > 0) for: 2m labels: severity: warning team: analytics annotations: description: CDS error count is accumulating. environment: production host: creditservices2 summary: CDS is experiencing some exceptions. ok 930ms ago 78.64us


14.08s ago


Rule State Error Last Evaluation Evaluation Time
alert: Prometheus target not responding expr: up{job!="bashcontainerstats"} == 0 for: 2m labels: severity: critical annotations: description: '{{ $labels.job }} at {{ $labels.instance }} has been unreachable for more than 2 minutes.' environment: production summary: Prometheus target at {{ $labels.instance }} is unreachable ok 14.08s ago 321.6us
alert: Bashcontainerstats not responding expr: up{job="bashcontainerstats"} == 0 for: 2m labels: severity: warning annotations: description: '{{ $labels.job }} at {{ $labels.instance }} has been unreachable for more than 2 minutes.' environment: production summary: Prometheus target at {{ $labels.instance }} is unreachable ok 14.08s ago 64.04us
alert: CPU Load expr: avg_over_time(node_load1[5m]) > 60 or avg_over_time(node_load[1m]) > 70 for: 1m labels: severity: critical annotations: description: '{{ $labels.instance }} has a high CPU load.' environment: production summary: Instance {{ $labels.instance }} has a high CPU load. ok 14.08s ago 239.1us
alert: Disk Usage expr: (100 - 100 * (node_filesystem_avail_bytes{device!~"by-uuid",device!~"tmpfs",mountpoint="/"} / node_filesystem_size_bytes{device!~"by-uuid",device!~"tmpfs",mountpoint="/"})) > 90 for: 5m labels: severity: critical annotations: description: '{{ $labels.instance }} has disk usage higher than 90%.' environment: production summary: Instance {{ $labels.instance }} has disk usage greater than 90%. ok 14.08s ago 608.6us
alert: Postgres DB Connections expr: avg_over_time(pg_stat_activity_count[1m]) > 280 and avg_over_time(pg_stat_activity_count[15m]) > 275 for: 1m labels: severity: warning annotations: description: '{{ $labels.instance }} has passed a DB connection threshold.' environment: production summary: Instance {{ $labels.instance }} has passed a DB connection threshold. ok 14.079s ago 1.511ms
alert: RAM Usage expr: (100 * (node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes) / (node_memory_MemTotal_bytes + node_memory_SwapTotal_bytes)) < 5 for: 5m labels: severity: critical annotations: description: '{{ $labels.instance }} has less than 5% available RAM.' environment: production summary: Instance {{ $labels.instance }} has less than 5% available RAM. ok 14.078s ago 278.1us


21.974s ago


Rule State Error Last Evaluation Evaluation Time
alert: postgres_down expr: pg_up == 0 for: 5m labels: service: postgres severity: warning annotations: description: |- Postgres instance is down VALUE = {{ $value }} LABELS: {{ $labels }} summary: Postgres instance {{ $labels.instance }} is offline ok 21.974s ago 190.5us
alert: High connection count on DB Primary expr: sum by(environment, instance) (pg_stat_activity_count) > on(instance) pg_settings_max_connections * 0.9 for: 5m labels: service: postgres severity: critical annotations: description: Postgres total connections have been above 70% of the configured max_connections for the past 5 minutes on dbprimary summary: dbprimary connection count is too high ok 21.974s ago 722.1us
alert: Queries are too slow expr: avg by(datname) (rate(pg_stat_activity_max_tx_duration{datname!~"template.*"}[2m])) > 2 * 60 for: 2m labels: service: postgres severity: warning annotations: description: The average of SQL duration over two minutes is more than two minutes per each database summary: Postgres is executing slow queries ok 21.973s ago 594us
alert: Deadlock detected expr: rate(pg_stat_database_deadlocks{datname="integra_production",instance="DB_PRIMARY_HOST_NAME:9187"}[1m]) > 0 for: 1m labels: service: postgres severity: warning annotations: description: |- PostgreSQL has dead-locks VALUE = {{ $value }} LABELS: {{ $labels }} summary: Dead locks (instance {{ $labels.instance }}) ok 21.973s ago 72.94us


25.153s ago


Rule State Error Last Evaluation Evaluation Time
alert: Slow vendor responses expr: avg_over_time(ruby_http_request_duration_seconds{app_name="vendor_data_service",controller="requests",quantile="0.99"}[5m]) > 5 for: 1m labels: service: vendor_data_service severity: info annotations: description: 99th percentile of responses over the last 5 minutes from vendor_data_service are taking over 5 seconds environment: production summary: Vendor data responses are slow ok 25.154s ago 208.7us
alert: Account Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="account_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: account_service severity: critical annotations: description: Account service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Account service is not running ok 25.153s ago 110.6us
alert: Admin App down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="admin_app",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: admin_app severity: critical annotations: description: Admin App hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Admin App is not running ok 25.153s ago 63.89us
alert: Agent App down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="agent_app",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: agent_app severity: critical annotations: description: Agent App hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Agent App is not running ok 25.153s ago 115.7us
alert: Application Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="application_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: application_service severity: critical annotations: description: Application service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Application service is not running ok 25.153s ago 122.8us
alert: Credit Reporting Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="credit_reporting_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: credit_reporting_service severity: critical annotations: description: Credit Reporting service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Credit Reporting service is not running ok 25.153s ago 400.6us
alert: Customer Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="customer_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: customer_service severity: critical annotations: description: Customer service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Customer service is not running ok 25.153s ago 152.8us
alert: Customer App down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="customer_app",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: customer_app severity: critical annotations: description: Customer App hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Customer App is not running ok 25.153s ago 117.5us
alert: Email Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="email_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: email_service severity: critical annotations: description: Email service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Email service is not running ok 25.153s ago 95.19us
alert: Financial Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="financial_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: financial_service severity: critical annotations: description: Financial service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Financial service is not running ok 25.153s ago 170.8us
alert: Five9 Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="five9_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: five9_service severity: critical annotations: description: Five9 service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Five9 service is not running ok 25.153s ago 78.37us
alert: Leads Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="leads_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: leads_service severity: critical annotations: description: Leads service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Leads service is not running ok 25.153s ago 101.5us
alert: Payment Gateway Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="payment_gateway_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: payment_gateway_service severity: critical annotations: description: Payment Gateway service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Payment Gateway service is not running ok 25.153s ago 83.35us
alert: Scheduler service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="scheduler_service",type="sidekiq"}) for: 1m labels: service: scheduler_service severity: critical annotations: description: Scheduler service sidekiq hasn't been detected for 1 minute environment: production summary: Scheduler service sidekiq not running ok 25.153s ago 57.93us
alert: Underwriting Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="underwriting_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: underwriting_service severity: critical annotations: description: Underwriting service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Underwriting service is not running ok 25.153s ago 115us
alert: Vendor Data Service down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="vendor_data_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: vendor_data_service severity: critical annotations: description: Vendor Data service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Vendor Data service is not running ok 25.153s ago 173.6us
alert: Vendor Proxy Service is down expr: absent(ruby_rss{app_name="vendor_proxy_service",type="unicorn_master"}) for: 2m labels: service: vendor_proxy_service severity: critical annotations: description: Vendor Proxy service hasn't been detected for 2 minutes environment: production summary: Vendor Proxy service is not running ok 25.153s ago 102.3us


6.928s ago


Rule State Error Last Evaluation Evaluation Time
alert: Rails apps are returning 500s expr: (ruby_http_requests_total{status="500"} - (ruby_http_requests_total{status="500"} offset 1m) > 0) for: 1m labels: service: rails severity: warning annotations: description: '{{ $labels.app_name }} is firing some 500 error responses!' environment: production summary: '{{ $labels.app_name }} is firing some 500 error responses!' ok 6.928s ago 216.6us
alert: Z-Score indicator high traffic on Customer App expr: ((sum by(app_name) (rate(job:customer_app_http_requests_total:z_score[5m]) > 0)) / (count by(app_name) (rate(job:customer_app_http_requests_total:z_score[5m]) > 0))) > 2 for: 1m labels: service: customer_app severity: warning annotations: description: The z-score for customer_app requests is above +2.0 environment: production summary: Traffic for customer_app is high, as indicated by z-score offset ok 6.928s ago 2.209ms
alert: Z-Score indicator low traffic on Customer App expr: ((sum by(app_name) (rate(job:customer_app_http_requests_total:z_score[5m]) > 0)) / (count by(app_name) (rate(job:customer_app_http_requests_total:z_score[5m]) > 0))) < -1 for: 1m labels: service: customer_app severity: warning annotations: description: The z-score for customer_app requests is below -1.0 environment: production summary: Traffic for customer_app is low, as indicated by z-score offset ok 6.926s ago 2.019ms
alert: Slow responses from Rails apps expr: avg_over_time(ruby_http_request_duration_seconds{quantile="0.99"}[3m]) > 20 for: 1m labels: service: rails severity: info annotations: description: '{{ $labels.app_name }} has responses that are slower than 20 seconds for over 3 minutes' environment: production summary: '{{ $labels.app_name }} is responding slowly!' ok 6.924s ago 74.25us


600ms ago


Rule State Error Last Evaluation Evaluation Time
record: job:customer_app_http_requests_total:rate5m expr: rate(ruby_http_requests_total{app_name="customer_app"}[5m]) ok 600ms ago 1.988ms
record: job:customer_app_http_requests_total:rate5m:avg_over_time_1w expr: avg_over_time(job:customer_app_http_requests_total:rate5m[1w]) ok 598ms ago 289.9ms
record: job:customer_app_http_requests_total:rate5m:stddev_over_time_1w expr: stddev_over_time(job:customer_app_http_requests_total:rate5m[1w]) ok 308ms ago 287.4ms
record: job:customer_app_http_requests_total:z_score expr: (job:customer_app_http_requests_total:rate5m - job:customer_app_http_requests_total:rate5m:avg_over_time_1w) / job:customer_app_http_requests_total:rate5m:stddev_over_time_1w ok 21ms ago 3.982ms


4.943s ago


Rule State Error Last Evaluation Evaluation Time
alert: redis_down expr: redis_up == 0 for: 5m labels: service: redis severity: warning annotations: description: |- Redis instance is down VALUE = {{ $value }} LABELS: {{ $labels }} environment: production summary: Redis down (instance {{ $labels.instance }}) ok 4.943s ago 183.7us
alert: redis_high_memory_load expr: redis_memory_used_bytes / redis_total_system_memory_bytes * 100 > 90 for: 10m labels: service: redis severity: warning annotations: description: |- Redis is running out of memory (> 90%) VALUE = {{ $value }} LABELS: {{ $labels }} environment: production summary: Out of memory (instance {{ $labels.instance }}) ok 4.943s ago 84.44us


2.906s ago


Rule State Error Last Evaluation Evaluation Time
alert: Unusually high traffic on Customer App expr: rate(customer_app_http_response_count_total[5m]) > 5 for: 1m labels: service: rails severity: warning annotations: description: The 5m average request rate for {{ $labels.app_name }} is significantly higher than usual environment: production summary: Rails app traffic for {{ $labels.app_name }} is abnormally high ok 2.906s ago 956.4us
alert: Potential Credential Stuffing attack expr: rate(ruby_http_request_duration_seconds_count{action=~"create",app_name=~"customer_app",controller=~"sessions"}[10m]) > 0.2 for: 1m labels: service: rails severity: critical annotations: description: The 5m average request rate for {{ $labels.app_name }} is significantly higher than usual environment: production summary: Rails app traffic for {{ $labels.app_name }} is abnormally high ok 2.905s ago 163.7us